Motherless Daughters

By Hope Edelman

Written by Hope Edelman, this book is a profound exploration of how the loss of a mother affects the life of the daughter forever. It covers the stories of many women who have lost their mothers and how their lives were shaped by that loss. At times it is a confronting read. To be honest, it took me almost five years to finish it. It delves deeply into the psyche of the daughter, and goes into great detail about what happens to us physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. You find yourself connecting with some of the stories in a very real and personal way. If you have lost your mother, I would highly recommend this book. Just take it at your own pace, as it may trigger emotions within you that you may need to deal with as you work through its pages.

BLOG Thumbnail Music for Grief (1).png

Silence In the Age of Noise


My Mother, Myself