COVID-19 - On a Positive Note

Sitting at my desk with the late autumn afternoon sun shining upon my face, I am struck by just how lucky I am. Amid this COVID-19 season, there is still so much to be thankful for, so much grace extended toward us.

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It’s been interesting to observe the responses of people in these challenging times. It has highlighted for me just how significant community and connection are for us as human beings. We are created for communion with others.

Without this, we wither.

This is so beautifully demonstrated by the many recordings of our Italian friends singing together in harmony from their balconies, filling the streets with sound. This is connection. This is what our soul longs for.

This season has also brought out the best in many people. With little pressure to be at a certain place at a particular time, people are demonstrating greater kindness toward each other. An example of this was a conversation I had with a lady at my local supermarket last week. I apologised to her for taking up time as there was an issue at the checkout (as it turns out you can’t buy toothpaste AND dental floss at the same time). The lady responded kindly to me that it was no problem and that she had no other place to be. We laughed. Her disposition was one of calm and understanding, which is unusual where I live.

We have experienced a resurgence of local children riding their bikes and playing games at the end of the court rather than being inside on their devices. Our neighbours have been stopping and chatting with us as we paint our front fence and it has been a lovely time of gathering (1.5m apart) and getting to know one another. This type of community spirit reminds me so fondly of my childhood.

Today I took a walk through a local park and photographed all the beautiful autumn flowers. The colours were exquisite and the scent of the roses was so comforting. It is rare to take the time out of our schedules to stop and smell the flowers. This season is giving us the opportunity to do just that.

To go back to basics, to appreciate what is truly valuable to each of us and what we may choose to let go when this season passes. 

For many years, I have maintained that I am not a cook nor do I enjoy cooking (sorry to the glorious cooks amongst us!).  As we can no longer go out for dinner, I have been encouraged into the kitchen to cook each night. I never thought I would say this, but I have loved having the fridge stocked and having to think about what to make for dinner. I have also been baking, when I can get flour, and this has been a welcome change to blocks of Cadbury chocolate or processed biscuits. An unintended consequence of this season may be that I learn to cook… didn’t see that coming!

One of the difficult things for those of us who are artists and musicians, is the cancellation of all performance commitments for at least the next 6 months. This has devastated the arts industry in Australia and its future is entirely uncertain. Even though our means of earning a living has been stripped away, in a conversation with a friend of mine last week, a brilliant tenor, we discussed holding a concert when this is over.  The purpose of the concert? To raise money for struggling small business in our local area. I am so incredibly proud to be part of a company of artists who are utterly selfless and who give consistently of their talents in support of others, even when they themselves are in need.

The other wonderful thing about this season is watching these artists pivot.

The creativity to swiftly shift their business models to adapt to these times is inspirational.

Live streaming concerts across multiple locations, teaching via Zoom, collaborating with other artists remotely, putting content out into the world that allows us to see them without the frills.

We have all had to make adjustments for the benefit and protection of the broader community. Even though there are some that may be harder hit than others, I pray that no one will be left behind.

You may not have a faith, and that is entirely a matter for you, but I do think that this song taken directly from scripture has something for all of us.

May favour be upon you.

May peace surround you.

May you be blessed.






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